Tips for Avoiding Back Pain at the Office

People who sit all day have high rates of back pain. This isn’t surprising, since not only is it hard to get enough exercise while working in an office, but many people also don’t understand how to properly support their backs. At Cleary Family Chiropractic in Woodstock, we relieve people’s back pain, but we want everyone to increase their overall wellness by taking better care of themselves. We thought we'd offer a few pointers regarding office ergonomics.

While sitting at a computer, you want to avoid slouching forward or backward into your chair. Position your desk and chair height so that when your feet are flat on the floor and your back is straight, your monitor is directly at eye level. Your elbows should be at ninety degree angles when your hands are resting on the desktop. You should be able to sit all the way back in the chair, so your lower back is supported by the chair’s back cushion. Don’t have anything in your back pockets while you’re sitting, and place your armrests so they slightly raise your shoulders.

Our soft tissues shorten when they’re not in use, putting sedentary people at risk for upper back pain even when they maintain good posture. It’s important to also stretch at least once every half hour for at least a minute. Ideally, people will get one hundred and fifty minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity. A lunch break might be a good opportunity to get a brisk walk in, and exposure to sunlight will help prevent osteoporosis. If you are experiencing back pain, we can assist by providing spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapies such as Active Release Technique.

Dr. Matthew Cleary runs Cleary Family Chiropractic at 246 Creekstone Ridge, Woodstock, Georgia, 30188. To schedule an appointment, call 678-494-9668 or visit Chiropractor Woodstock.



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