Spine Spurs

Back pain can get worse when it’s left untreated. Many of the problems in people’s spinal columns are due to degenerative conditions causing chronic inflammation. Although inflammation is triggered by the immune system, it causes problems of its own when it persists, including the development of bone spurs in the spine. Fortunately, we at Cleary Family Chiropractic in Woodstock provide holistic, low-risk treatment, preventing bone spurs from growing and minimizing the problems caused by ones already present.

Bone spurs are protrusions from bone that build up in places with prolonged inflammation. They are common in people with osteoarthritis, whose joint-cushioning cartilage is wearing away. The facet joints of the spine connect the vertebrae to each other, and as their cartilage erodes, they rub against each other, causing irritation and new bone growth. Spinal spurs also commonly develop around herniated discs, which put pressure on the nearby soft tissues and are unable to function as shock-absorbers for the vertebrae. The tendons and ligaments connecting to vertebrae often thicken to compensate for the spine’s weakness, and spurs take their place when they recede.

 Bone spurs can be painful, and if they’re positioned to compress nerve roots, they may cause pain or tingling in the limbs. We use medical imaging such as x-rays and range-of-motion tests to identify them. If a person’s problems are being caused by a bone spur, we can perform spinal adjustments to restore their joints and discs to their proper place. We can also reduce their inflammation with treatments such as electric muscle stimulation and teach therapeutic exercises that will increase the flexibility and strength of the spine’s supporting structures, making the spine better cushioned and less prone to irritation.

Dr. Matthew Cleary runs Cleary Family Chiropractic at 246 Creekstone Ridge, Woodstock, Georgia, 30188. To schedule an appointment, call 678-494-9668 or visit Chiropractor Woodstock.



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