Shoulder Pain

If you suffer from any sort of pain, chronic or acute, contact Cleary Family Chiropractic today. This includes any sort of shoulder pain! Drs. Matthew Cleary and Dave Sikanowicz commonly treat shoulder injuries and discomfort. It’s best to get treatment before it worsens. If you find yourself struggling to sleep or even carry a bag, let us know! We are conveniently located in Woodstock, GA.


The biggest and most common symptom is a pain when moving or lifting your arm. Other experiences are decreased range-of-motion, a burning sensation, and a pinching feeling. We offer treatment for all of these. Your shoulder joint is very vulnerable which is what puts it at risk. It’s why we offer strength techniques alongside treatment. By making the joint stronger, you minimize the risk of re-injury.


There are a few ways to injure a shoulder:


-improper usage when exercising

-trauma from an accident



There are a few more severe issues that your Woodstock, GA, chiropractor will diagnose. These include Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, Impingement Syndrome, and Bursitis. With Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, the muscles themselves become severely inflamed. Impingement Syndrome is characterized by pinched rotator tendons. Lastly, Bursitis is the swelling of the shoulder bursa. This is a fluid-filled sack located in the shoulder that prevents friction.


Your first appointment with Dr. Cleary or Dr. Sikanowicz starts with a physical examination. They note any inflammation or other symptoms. He then shares his findings with you. From there, you decide together on treatment. The best options are Physiotherapy and joint manipulation. Shoulder braces are another possibility as well.


If you or a loved one have injured your shoulder and are in need of treatment, contact Cleary Family Chiropractic today. Our office is located in Woodstock, GA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Matthew Cleary and Dave Sikanowicz, call 678-494-9668 or visit their website at


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