Safety While Carrying Heavy Objects

Back pain and neck pain may arise from conditions that build up over time, but are triggered by a particular event. Often, the event that finally strains a muscle or ruptures a disc is an accident while the patient is carrying something heavy. We employ a wide variety of treatments at Cleary Family Chiropractic in Woodstock, but we also highly value prevention. When lifting heavy loads, there are some key safety tips we want our patients to keep in mind.

Before you attempt to lift an object make sure the entire path between it and your destination is clear and that all the doors are propped open. Know which way you’ll need the object to face when you set it down, and wear slip-resistant shoes. Before lifting the object, feel it out to determine its center of gravity. To lift it, squat down and then propel yourself upward slowly with your legs. You should carry the thing resting against your chest and at your body’s vertical midline.

While walking, keep your head up. When you have to go around corners, turn your entire body; do not twist your torso. Once you’ve reached your destination, slowly crouch down instead of bending your back. If you do feel pain, do not hesitate to seek a consultation with us. We can provide noninvasive, fast-acting pain relief and can intervene with problems before they become serious.

Dr. Matthew Cleary runs Cleary Family Chiropractic at 246 Creekstone Ridge, Woodstock, Georgia, 30188. To schedule an appointment, call 678-494-9668 or visit Chiropractor Woodstock.



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