Tailbone Injuries

If you’ve ever had a bruised tailbone, you know it’s no fun. The body can usually heal damage in this area on its own, but Cleary Family Chiropractic is happy to provide patients with safe pain management. We can also provide diagnostics to better understand what is causing a patient’s discomfort.

The tailbone is scientifically called the coccyx, and it’s made up of small, fused vertebrae that dangle from the end of the spine. It is anchored by the powerful muscles and ligaments of the pelvic region, which usually serve to shield it from blunt trauma. It is rare for the coccyx to crack, but the tissues surrounding it can bruise. Pain related to it is scientifically called “coccydynia.”

People are particularly vulnerable to tailbone injuries during activities such as cycling and horseback riding, or while giving birth. Patients will have to rest while they recover, but we can provide them with chiropractic wedges to sit on without causing further pain. Manual adjustments, ultrasound, and electric muscle stimulation are some of the non-addictive treatments we offer in our office to manage patients’ discomfort and prevent scarring. We can also coach patients on therapeutic exercises to restore flexibility and strengthen their pelvic muscles.

Dr. Matthew Cleary runs Cleary Family Chiropractic at 246 Creekstone Ridge, Woodstock, Georgia, 30188. To schedule an appointment, call 678-494-9668 or visit Chiropractor Woodstock.



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